Mind Feeds by Atty. Rose Beatrix Cruz-Angeles (Trixie Cruz-Angeles)
My Own 25 Things About Me
1. My maternal grandfather and I could talk to each other in our dreams. He last spoke to me in this way two days before he died.
2. When I become very close to a person, I can feel what s/he feels even when they are far away. I can sense if they are scared, ecstatic, angry, sad or happy, but usually only the strong emotions. Its an inherited trait.
3. My paternal grandmother was a witch.
4. I can type and text without looking.
5. I still dance, mostly when no one is looking.
6. I used to sing for a living, (hey, I didnt starve, ok?)
7. I breastfed all my kids for at least two years (is that too much information?) and at one point, when both my (2) sisters and I had newborns, we would sometimes trade babies and breastfeed them (I forgot what the point was to all of that, but those kids seem to have turned out sane and normal).
8. I tried marijuana when I was sixteen and... nothing happened. I was so disappointed. I never touched anything illicit again.
9. I cant -- not dont -- drink alcohol of any kind. It just wont go down. I faked drinking in college just to look cool.
10. I have gotten more than five drunken marriage proposals in my lifetime. I repeat, drunken. They're the ones that dont count.
11. Writing poetry makes me cry.
12. I love my garden, which I tend myself, but wish I had more fragrant flowers.
13. I first travelled abroad when I was sixteen for a Rotary Exchange program. Somehow a group of us ended up without adult supervision and had to fend for ourselves overnight in San Fransisco. There was also an air traffic controllers' strike and I very nearly ended up stranded en route to Albaquerque.
14. I can't eat a savory dish without eating (not drinking) something sweet at the same time, and vice versa.
15. I love old things, things that have stories about them and of them, which explains how I ended up in the National Commission for Culture and the Arts.
16. I learned to shoot a handgun when I was nine, Papa taught me.
17. I still play the piano, but can only read notes. I can't play by ear or memorize a piece. I'm jealous of some people's karaoke-like abilities to play anything they hear.
18. I have a long fuse. But its still a fuse. It goes KABOOM at the end of it.
19. I had an imaginary invisible playmate when I was four years old. He disappeared when I was seven. He didn't have a name.
20. I bake, sew, crochet and knit. People who see me in court would never believe this.
21. Many people feel like they can tell me their secrets. I usually keep them. Though I can't for the life of me figure out why they want to do that, especially when they tell me the embarassing ones.
22. I learned to drive a pick-up truck in a cow field in a ranch in New Mexico.
23. When I was over thirty five I was mistaken for a minor in Paris. I wasn't sure if I should have been flattered. On hindsight, I'm still not sure.
24. I hated breaking up. I usually got the guy to do it for me. I probably still have that habit.
25. When I construct my arguments, I pace the floor and say them out loud. My staff used to think I was crazy because I was talking to myself. They have gotten used to it. They don't think I'm crazy because I talk to myself anymore. They have other evidence.